As of now situation of coronavirus is rollercoaster ride where new variants of coronavirus is popping up making global confirmed cases as well as deaths increasing. According to WHO, confirmed cases is around 578,142,444 people and lost souls around 6,405,080 people worldwide (1). This makes coronavirus pandemic even more dangerous than last pandemic Swine flu (H1N1) (2).

The delta variant is the fastest, fittest and most formidable version of all the coronavirus that causes covid-19 the world has encountered. Currently United States which has experienced more coivd-19 cases and deaths than any other country, the delta variant represents about 83% of new infections. (3)

What makes the delta variant dangerous?
• Viral loads in Delta infections were ~1000 times higher than those in infections caused by other
variants making more transmissible.
• Delta is almost twice as transmissible as original Wuhan strain of SARS-CoV-2.
• Delta is 40-60% more transmissible than alpha.
• Tend to alter the structure of the spike protein making more efficient in attaching itself to the human
host cells and multiplies swiftly, doing more damage than an originally COVID strain.
• EVEN fully vaccinated people can contract the virus, they are less likely to contract severe illnesses
Out of 204 cases of COVID-19 patients (average age: 52.9 years; 107 men & 97 women), 97 people showed both digestive symptoms and respiratory symptoms. 84 people showed respiratory symptoms only. 6 people showed digestive symptoms only.
Symptoms of Digestive Health
Diarrhea, Constipation, Abdominal pain, Nausea, Loss of appetite, and vomiting

Symptoms of Respiratory health:
Shortness of breath, fatigue, chest pain or pressure, loss of speech or movement, Dry cough.
COVID 19 long term symptoms after vaccination:
Extreme tiredness (fatigue) shortness of breath chest pain or tightness problems with memory and concentration (“brain fog”) difficulty sleeping (insomnia) heart palpitations dizziness pins and needles joint pain depression and anxiety tinnitus, earaches feeling sick, diarrhea, stomach aches, loss of appetite a high temperature, cough, headaches, sore throat, changes to sense of smell or taste rashes.(7)

Relation of SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus), Dysbiosis, and replication of coronavirus

Dysbiosis and treatment or prevention:
Dysbiosis leads to
- Pathogen multiplication (SARS-CoV-2 receptor production)
2. Altered immune response
3. Alter the microflora while also dropping significantly but after time Microflora diversified again but with different bacteria than before the infection
4. Tissue Damage
Gastrointestinal treatment or prevention and also ACE inhibitors is necessary
- Micro ecological preparation
- Restore intestinal microflora
- Restore intestinal mucosa
- Improve intestinal barrier function
- Boost Immune response: Pro-inflammatory (pathogen clearance)
- Boost Immune response: Anti-inflammatory (tissue resolution in lung)
2. ACE2 Inhibitors
3. Diet and Enteral Nutrition
How Sunfiber (PHGG) helps in the Gut Immune system?

Sunfiber (PHGG) covers all the defense lines in the gut immune system making perfect prebiotic fiber to help in the gut immune system. This is also proven with 3 clinical studies where 5.2g of PHGG intake in elderly patients in LTC ward and CR ward protected patients from influenza.
How EGCg helps for treatment of coronavirus disease:
Coronaviruses encode polyproteins that are cleaved by 3CL protease (the main protease) for maturation. Therefore, 3CL protease is regarded as the main target of antivirals against coronaviruses.
• EGCG inhibits the enzymatic activity of the coronavirus 3CL protease and also 3CL protease-EGCG interaction is highly stable making drug like characteristics towards 3CL protease.
• EGCG has been reported to regulate other potential targets, such as RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) with studies in Influenza A virus.
• EGCG modulates the viral spike protein and ACE2 interaction to inhibit entry of coronavirus into host cells
• EGCG treatment blocked replication of coronavirus.
• EGCG can relieve coronavirus symptoms by modulating the immune system.
We have green tea extracts (Sunphenon) with lot of different percentage of EGCg content from 25% to 94% under brand name Sunphenon or Teavigo. Based on studies, EGCg concentration is more in the gut when consumed through oral than other organs.

Highest Concentration was absorbed when 500mg per body weight is consumed in the rat that is Human equivalent to 81mg/d. EGCg also prevents fecal-oral and respiratory transmission of COVID-19 [14].
Treatment and Prevention of PHGG+ EGCG on Coronavirus:

With combination of 5.2g PHGG and 81mg EGCG (Max 300mg), you get a potential treatment and prevention on Coronavirus affected patients.
Theertham Akilesh Sai, Head of India Sales Division, Taiyo Kagaku India Pvt. Ltd Dr. Stefan Siebrecht, Managing Director, Taiyo GMBH
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2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_swine_flu_pandemic
3) https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/rest-of-world/how-the-delta-variant-upends-assumptions-aboutthe-coronavirus/articleshow/84758160.cms
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5) https://asm.org/Articles/2021/July/How-Dangerous-is-the-Delta-Variant-B-1-617-2
6) https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health-news/explainer-why-does-the-deltavariant-spread-sofast/photostory/84819747.cms?picid=84819781
7) https://healthcare-in-europe.com/en/news/covid-19-survivors-have-increased-risk-of-death.html
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