As the demand for tea and tea extracts is increasing dramatically and the tea producers are very much industrializing the production, tea became one of the most faked and polluted food products worldwide.
For Taiyo quality is the key. In 2004, Taiyo decided to found an own dedicated factory in China which runs under full Japanese quality control (Taiyo Green Power Co., Ltd.). Taiyo is fully backwards integrated and controls the tea leaves, pesticides use and also the full production process with many quality steps. Therefore, Taiyo can guarantee that all Sunphenon® tea extracts are 100% pure and free from adulteration. In addition, Taiyo’s special production is an important part of assuring high quality products: the careful airdrying technology and the pure water infusion process, protect tea leaves from overheating and burning and keep their high concentration of antioxidants.

Industrial Achievement Award
Sunphenon® was honored with the Industrial Achievement Award by the U.S. Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) in 2000.

Food for Specified Health Use
Sunphenon® has been approved by the Japanese Foundation for Health and Nutrition as a Food for Specified Health Use (FOSHU).
Teavigo delivers high-purity EGCg for use in supplements, foods or beverages without tea taste and colour.
Sunphenon® 90LB
Sunphenon® 90D
Sunphenon® 90M-B
Sunphenon® 30S-O
Instant Organic Green Tea Infusion
Produced from 100% organic green tea leaves with excellent taste and good stability in beverages and natural green tea caffeine content.
Sunphenon® 30LB
Instant Green Tea Infusion
Produced from green tea leaves. Decaffeinated by a solvent-free process. Low bitter taste for use in RTD and instant beverages.
Sunphenon® BT-M
Instant Black Tea Infusion
Produced from black tea leaves with a nice black tea flavour and the typical colour. Very fine powder suitable for RTD beverages, instant beverages, instant tea sticks, effervescent tablets. -
Sunphenon® WT-2
Instant White Tea Infusion
Produced from white tea leaves with a nice tea flavour and the typical colour of tea. Very fine powder suitable for RTD beverages, instant beverages, instant tea sticks, effervescent tablets.
Sunphenon® OT-C
Instant Oolong Tea Infusion
Produced from half fermented green tea leaves with a nice tea flavour and the typical colour of tea. Very fine powder suitable for RTD beverages, instant beverages, instant tea sticks, effervescent tablets.
Sunphenon® 70H-T
Sunphenon® XLB-100
Sunphenon® TH30

Yes, Sunphenon fulfills FSSAI, Japan, EFSA, FDA and most other countries guidelines.
Especially in EU it fulfills guidelines for PAH & BAP where when tea leaves get overheated or burned, there is a risk that polyaromatic-cyclic-hydrocarbon components (PAH) and especially a-Benzopyrene (BAB) are formed within the tea leaves. These chemicals are known to be carcinogenic and therefore, the EFSA set maximum levels for BAB (10ppm) and PAH 4 (50ppm) in 2016. To ensure the highest quality possible and the maximum safety, Taiyo uses a careful steaming or airdrying technology to avoid the formation of PAH 4 and BAB and does an analysis on both chemicals on a regular basis.
Sunphenon® is produced from the highest quality pesticide controlled green tea leaves (Camellia Sinensis) that are first extracted by a pure water infusion process. The high-polyphenol extracts are then decaffeinated using FDA (Canada and EU) approved food grade ethyl acetate. There are no chloroform or other illegal solvents used in the processing of any Sunphenon® extract. Sunphenon® tea extracts are produced the most natural way that is possible. Therefore, Taiyo only uses water to extract the tea leaves, similar as we all use water to make tea at home.